Thursday, March 8, 2007


GREAT SERIES with fantastic actors, actresses, amazing plots and scripts. It has breathtaking movies like effects and manipulations, so real so fascinating. Its grabs your attention so hard it wont let you rest for a minute. By far it’s the best series I’ve ever seen.

Hiro's Blog

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Not ready to make nice-Dixie Chiks

You don’t ask for respect! You gain it by your own.

Hope is a distraction from reality. Instead of hoping for it, make IT happen.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The I hate list.

Hating something does not mean that I don’t to it. These are things that I hate about my self, about other people, and about the world.

  1. I hate how people use each other for their own personal benefit. It’s so irritating when some people who barely talks to me come all the sudden to be friendly, and cozy to end it up with a request, or asking me to do something for them. I really hate it. It’s like they know me just when they need something from me.
  2. I hate smokers and smoking. Being near a smoker or smoke makes my tummy grump.
  3. I hate being late. I hate waking up late, being late on classes, handing assignments, and papers late.
  4. I hate wannabes.
  5. I hate how sometimes I could be so sloppy with people that I should be extremely delicate, and careful with.
  6. I hate people who live on lies, build up a lie upon a lie. Pilling up lies and living their lives as if they were true, and actually believing that their lies are for real.
  7. I hate plastic surgeries, what’s so nice about changing who you are and pretending to be something else? God made you the way you are why to change it. “Having surgeries after getting harmed at accidents, being abused and being born with genetic disfigures is something else that does not count”.
  8. I hate how local guys hit on girls. Screaming your number out loud to a girl who happens to be just passing by won’t make her want to talk you. There are more civilized ways you know. As if what they do is acceptable anyway.
  9. I hate girls from other Arabian countries that act as if to they are locals, and that fake accent of theirs OH GOD I can’t stand it.
  10. I hate art/photos/designs thefts. They think it’s so easy and simple to produce art/photos/designs, if so why don’t they make their own work instead of copying other peoples work and submitting it by their names.
  11. I hate lame personal jokes, basically they’re lies. I hate it hate it hate it when someone tells me something not true about them or about me by the intention of just having fun or making a joke. It’s even worse when they don’t tell you that it’s a joke. As if you should know by yourself that it’s a joke. Imagine this, someone that you really care about, a dear friend, a very close person to you, tells you that they are something that they know that you are 100% sure that they are not. Seriously telling you that they are …. Or … or … They pretend to be so serious about it. You end up being mixed up and confused which leads to even bigger misunderstandings causing worse situations. I DESPISE IT.
  12. I hate the fact that I forget very important things very easily and that I profoundly remember small facts, incidents, and satiations. Things that I should get over and forget, but I don’t.
  13. I hate how I keep on losing everything. Important documents, important people, and valuable items. My room is a black hole, what gets in cannot get out.
  14. I hate talking about people behind their backs. It so disturbing to sit with a group of people that picks on everybody. Criticizing what they do, how they look, what they wear and what they say.
  15. I hate over doings, over reacting, over thinking, over make-up, over dressing up, over everything.
  16. I hate compliments when they’re said often and frequently from the same people over and over again. What I hate even worse is when I hear the same compliment being said to someone else exactly the way it was said to me. It’s like they are reciting their homework.
  17. I hate being in a crowded place, bumping into people and being squished by strangers.
  18. I hate giving up. A loser is not someone that fails doing something; a loser is someone who gives up easily. Gotta keep on trying my dear.
  19. I hate mind and thinking limitations AKA being close minded/ close minded people. No one could stop anyone from thinking the way that they do. We don’t necessarily have to agree with every thought and idea that comes out from each single human being. Yet we have to try to understand them, and try to widen up our mentality.
  20. I hate hate. Sadly a prefect world does not exist, thus things that we hate won’t stop happening which means that there will always be something out there to hate.

This list might be updated sometime later.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

All things black and white`~

All things black and white.
Footprints in the Sun-Vertical Horizon

“Shades of grey wherever I go

The more I find out the less that I know

Black and white is how it should be

But shades of grey are the colors I see.”

Billy Joel~*

Saturday, January 27, 2007

All about her
Listening to:Im still here-Vertical horizon.

This is it. This is just the beginning.

All about her

Male/Female: Female.
Nick Name(s): MissDxb, Fa6am, Futo*aim.
Date Of Birth: 28-may-1988
Location: United Arab Emirates/Dubai.
Religion: Islam.
Hair + Eye colour: Pink-yellow.
What do you do for living? live my life.
What do you do for fun? this and that , what ever i can do, cook, paint, draw, photograph, and dream about flying.
Favorite place to be?: Home sweet home.
Least favorite place to be? hospitals.

Describe Your...
Personality: quite, honest, moody, dreamy, clumsy,weird,slow, stubborn; complex.

Do You
Believe in yourself: yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: cant really tell, i do not know.
Consider yourself a good listener: very good listener, bad speaker.
Like to talk on the phone: nop.
Like to eat? chocolate, chips, and all yummy food.
Do you have nightmares?: long time no see.

Sleep with a stuffed animal: yes cant sleep with out my baby Mr. bear<3.
What Is Right next to you: oh god so many things. blusher brush. a brooch, scissors, pencil, card reader, pencil case, Kleenex, superglue, UHU, chocolates ,blings, needels and my mobile.
On your mouse pad: my finger.
Your favorite flavor of gum? strawberry+ raspberry.
Hiding in your closet?: my hidden secrets.
Under your bed: shoes, old drawings and paintings.
Your bad time of the day: times when i feel so tired.
Your fear(s): Allah.
Your favorite time of year?: all good times.

her gadgets

favarote things: spotting pretty things. Photography, cameras, photoshop. FOOD, Chocolates. All things pink.Illustrator.Hello Kitty. Flickr. Notcot. DeviantART.Quotes.ART.+ More......